Friday, August 17, 2012

Eye of the Tiger

I am a big boxing fan but unfortunately never got 100% into Rocky movies.  I don't think they were a constant replay in my house growing up despite the fact that my dad loved Rambo.  My memories can pretty much be summed up to the typical scenes from all the movies in one big mental montage. But the point of this post isn't to discuss boxing at all (Gasp).  I was feeling silly and YouTubed one of my favorite motivational 80's songs that always makes me laugh Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Well I found this montage of clips from Rocky movies as #1 on the search results so I clicked.  I had a grueling morning job hunting and figuring out the ins and outs of this new blogger set-up and needed a pick-me-up (not to mention this diet I'm on is kicking my ass).

So anyway, I watched about a minute of the video, when I realized I am without a doubt Robert "Rocky" Balboa at this time in my life. Yes I'm a boxer getting my ass beat a few times by big bad-ass dudes but right now I'm fighting back!!

I was getting my ass beat up for 5 years and super unhappy with what I was doing professionally.  I completely lost touch with my inner creative goddess and just went through the motions of my work life.  I made a few attempts here and there to hold on to what little creative juices I had left.  I tried salsa classes, Horton technique classes, photography classes, vision board making, interior decorating.... the list goes on but it was all short lived because work always took over the majority of my time.  Yes even my summers!

In a recent survey I conducted on my closest friends, the main word used to describe was creative. But it didn't make sense because I wasn't dong anything remotely close to creative. They also all agreed I should be working with clothes (I'm still nervous about uttering the word Fashion).  I was very, very, very boring.  Making up projects with kids was not cutting it for me, sorry. I felt like a caged bird. I did my job very well because of my family motto: "Si vas hacer algo, hazlo bien o no hagas nada" Yea translation, if you are going to do something, do it right or don't do it at all.  SO I did my job right to the point that I know it inside out but I wasn't even content.

I got to the point where I had had enough of doing things right but not feeling right about it.  I gave my job a KO and dropped the mic.  Only thing is, I don't really have a set plan.  Go ahead shake your head and say "bad idea, Nifty." But this is the most liberating experience I have ever had!! BAM, I'm gonna kick ass at the next project, but I want to do it because I love it, not because I have to. I am at my element when I have projects where I get to beautify things, people, places and give my opinion on things even when not asked.  I love dancing til my legs collaps, but I have no desire to be on ABDC or any of those ridiculous TV shows.  Give me gadgets (especially a camera) and I'm busy for hours. In essence I need to be kept busy at all times with several different things because thats when I shine.....

This Not-So-Italian-Stalion is signing off because I now have to fold laundry and handle this house.  I am still someone's wife you know!

But before I go, here's a Nifty video that I love! I'm a cliche 80s music lover all day everyday:

Stay Nifty!

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